SEA01 is a highly integrated solution for SMPS applications requiring precise voltage and current regulation.
The device integrates two voltage references, two op-amps (with open-drain outputs), a low-side current sensing circuit and an online digital trimming machine. The internal reference VrefV, along with one op-amp, is the core of the voltage control loop. The internal reference VrefI and the other op-amp make up the current control loop. The embedded digital trimming allows the user, through software, to adjust and permanently store both VrefVand VrefI internal references during the production test of the end product, compensating the tolerance of the external components and the error due to their discretized values. Redundant OTP gives the user a second chance to change the values stored in the non-volatile memory of the IC during the first trimming process. This feature allows having the highest end-product accuracy of voltage and current control without the use of external discrete components or manual intervention.
- Onlinedigitaltrimmingforthehighestend-productaccuracyinvoltageandcurrentcontrol
- Automaticoperationeliminatesmanualinterventionintheproductionline
- Simpleandrobusttrimmingprotocolandstorage
- RedundantOTP(firstandsecondtrimming)
- Extendedoperatingvoltagerange
- Verylowquiescentcurrent
- OfferedinanSO8package