0.6uA "No CL Cap" Ultra Low Quiescent Current LDO
Not only does the XC6504A331NR-G have the lowest quiescent current figure of any of our LDOs, it also has the added benefit of providing stable output voltages within a range of 1.1V ~ 5.0V (100mV steps) even without a load capacitor (CL)!
This is possible because phase compensation is carried out internally unlike other LDOs where it is done externally.
The operating voltage range is from 1.4V ~ 6.0V and the LDO can also be switched off via the CE pin thereby reducing current consumption even further in stand-by to just 0.01μA.
The XC6504A331NR-G also features a current limiter, short circuit protection and an automatic CL discharge function (should you choose to use a CL capacitor).
Available in SOT-25, SSOT-24, USPQ-4B04 and a tiny USPN-4B02 package measuring just 0.75mm x 0.95mm x 0.4mm!
• Low Power Consumption 0.6μA (typ.)• Operating Voltage Range: 1.4V ~ 6.0V• Output Voltage Range: 1.1V ~ 5.0V (0.1V steps)• Maximum Output Current: 150mA• Stand-by Current less than 0.1μA• No Load Capacitor Needed.