The LTC2944CDD#TRPBF measures battery charge state, battery voltage, battery current and its own temperature in portable product applications. The wide input voltage range allows use with multicell batteries up to 60V. A precision coulomb counter integrates current through a sense resistor between the battery’s positive terminal and the load or charger. Voltage, current and temperature are measured with an internal 14-bit No Latency ΔΣ™ ADC. The measurements are stored in internal registers accessible via the on-board I2C/SMBus Interface.
The LTC2944CDD#TRPBF features programmable high and low thresholds for all four measured quantities. If a programmed threshold is exceeded, the device communicates an alert using either the SMBus alert protocol or by setting a flag in the internal status register. The LTC2944CDD#TRPBF requires only a single low value sense resistor to set the measured current range.
- Measures Accumulated Battery Charge and Discharge
- 3.6V to 60V Operating Range for Multiple Cells
- 14-Bit ADC Measures Voltage, Current and Temperature
- 1% Voltage, Current and Charge Accuracy
- ±50mV Sense Voltage Range
- High Side Sense
- I2C Interface/SMBus Interface
- General Purpose Measurements for Any Battery Chemistry and Capacity
- Configurable Alert Output/Charge Complete Input
- Quiescent Current Less Than 150μA
- Small 8-Lead 3mm × 3mm DFN Package
- Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Power Tools
- Electric Bicycles, Motorcycles, Scooters
- High Power Portable Equipment
- Photo Voltaics
- Backup Battery Systems