Better to check BQ24735RGRR image.
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- Adapter and Battery Provide Power to System Together to Support Intel? CPU Turbo Boost Mode
- SMBus Host-Controlled NMOS-NMOS Synchronous Buck Converter With Programmable 615-, 750-, and 885-kHz Switching Frequencies
- Automatic N-Channel MOSFET Selection of System Power Source From Adapter or Battery Driven by Internal Charge Pumps
- Enhanced Safety for Overvoltage Protection, Overcurrent Protection, Battery, Inductor and MOSFET Short-Circuit Protection
- Programmable Input Current, Charge Voltage, Charge Current Limits
- ±0.5% Charge Voltage Accuracy up to 19.2 V
- ±3% Charge Current Accuracy up to 8.128 A
- ±3% Input Current Accuracy up to 8.064 A
- ±2% 20× Adapter Current or Charge Current Amplifier Output Accuracy
- Programmable Battery Depletion Threshold, and Battery LEARN Function
- Programmable Adapter Detection and Indicator
- Integrated Loop Compensation and Soft Start
- Real-Time System Control on ILIM Pin to Limit Charge Current
- AC Adapter Operating Range: 4.5 V to 24 V
- 5-μA Off-State Battery Discharge Current
- 0.65 mA (0.8 mA Max) Adapter Standby Quiescent Current
The bq24735 device is a high-efficiency, synchronous battery charger, offering low component count for space-constrained, multichemistry battery charging applications. The bq24735 device supports turbo boost by allowing battery discharge energy to the system when system power demand is temporarily higher than the adapter maximum power level so the adapter will not crash.
The bq24735 device uses two charge pumps to separately drive N-channel MOSFETs (ACFET, RBFET, and BATFET) for automatic system power source selection.
SMBus controlled input current, charge current, and charge voltage digital-to-analog converters (DACs) allow for very high-regulation accuracies that can be easily programmed by the system power management microcontroller.
The bq24735 device uses an internal input current register or an external ILIM pin to throttle down PWM modulation to reduce the charge current. The bq24735 device charges 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-series Li+ cells.