The SC806IMLTRT is a fully integrated, single cell, constant-current (cc)/constant-voltage (cv) Lithium-Ion battery charger in a tiny 3x3 mm thermally enhanced MLP package. The SC806IMLTRT can operate as a stand-alone charger or in conjunction with a Power Management Controller (PMIC).
- Fully integrated charger with FET pass transistor, reverse-blocking diode, sense resistor and thermal protection
- High Accuracy Charge Current
- Tiny 3mm x 3mm 10 lead MLP package
- Programmable precharge, fastcharge and termination current
- Battery voltage controlled to 1% accuracy
- Battery Charge Current accurate to 5% at 800mA
- Soft-start for step load and adapter plug-in
- Up to 1A continuous charge current
- Input voltage range from 3V to 6V allows seamless charging from current limited adapter
- 0.1µA battery drain current in shutdown and monitor modes
- Over-current protection in all charging modes
- Automatic loss of battery detection
- Adapter Present, Charge Status, and No Battery output LED drivers
- Cellular phones
- PDAs
- Handheld meters
- Charging stations
- USB chargers
- Digital cameras
- GPS handhelds
- Programmable current source
MLPD-10 3x3
Order Codes
- SC806EVB: Evaluation Board
- SC806IMLTRT: MLP-10 lead-free package