The MAX6952EAX is a compact cathode-row display driver that interfaces microprocessors to 5 x 7 dot-matrix LED displays through an SPI-compatible serial interface. The MAX6952EAX drives up to four digits (140 LEDs).Included on chip are an ASCII 104-character font, multiplex scan circuitry, column and row drivers, and static RAM that stores each digit, as well as font data for 24 user-definable characters. The segment current for the LEDs is set by an internal digit-by-digit digital brightness control. The device includes a low-power shutdown mode, segment blinking (synchronized across multiple drivers, if desired), and a test mode that forces all LEDs on. The LED drivers are slew rate limited to reduce EMI. For a 2-wire interfaced version, refer to the MAX6953 data sheet. An EV kit is available for the MAX6952.
- High-Speed 26MHz with SPI-/QSPI-?/ MICROWIRE?-Compatible Serial Interface
- 2.7V to 5.5V Operation
- Drives Four Monocolor or Two Bicolor Cathode-Row 5 x 7 Matrix Displays
- Built-In ASCII 104-Character Font
- 24 User-Definable Characters Available
- Automatic Blinking Control for Each Segment
- 36μA Low-Power Shutdown (Data Retained)
- 16-Step Digital Brightness Control
- Display Blanked on Power-Up
- Slew-Rate-Limited Segment Drivers for Lower EMI
- 36-Pin SSOP and 40-Pin DIP Packages
- Audio/Video Equipment
- Gaming Machines
- Industrial Displays
- Medical Equipment
- Message Boards