The TC14433EJG is a low power, high-performance, monolithic CMOS 3½ digit A/D converter. The TC14433EJG combines both analog and digital circuits on a single IC, thus minimizing the number of external components. This dual-slope A/D converter provides automatic polarity and zero correction with the addition of two external resistors and two capacitors. The full-scale voltage range of this ratiometric IC extends from 199.9 millivolts to 1.999 volts. The TC14433EJG can operate over a wide range of power supply voltages, including batteries and standard 5-volt supplies.
- Accuracy: ±0.05% of Reading ±1 Count
- Two Voltage Ranges: 1.999V and 199.9 mV
- Up to 25 Conversions per Second
- Zin > 1000M Ohms
- Single Positive Voltage Reference
- Auto-Polarity and Auto-Zero
- Overrange and Underrange Signals Available
- Operates in Auto-Ranging Circuits
- Uses On-Chip System Clock or External Clock