BU91510KV-ME2 is a 1/4 or 1/3 duty general-purpose LCD driver that can be used for automotive applications and can drive up to 216 LCD Segments. This product can support VA LCD displays, which has better optical performance with higher LCD voltage driving and higher frame frequency driving. It can support operating temperature of up to +105℃ and can control up to 6 general-purpose outputs / PWM output ports for LED backlighting and LED button illumination realizing less flicker by various frequency setting function. TTL compatible input interface is also available, these are well-suited for wide-voltage range of MCUs.
- AEC-Q100 Qualified
- Either 1/4 or 1/3-Duty can be selected with theSerial Control Data.1/4-Duty Drive: Up to 216 Segments1/3-Duty Drive: Up to 162 Segments
- Serial Data Control of Frame Frequencyfor Common and Segment Output Waveforms.
- Serial Data Control of Switching between theSegment Output Port , PWM Output Port andGeneral-purpose Output Port Functions. (Max 6 port)
- Built-in OSC Circuit
- The INHb Pin can force the Display to the off state.
- Integrated Power-on Reset Circuit
- No External Component
- Low Power Consumption Design