The MAX6950/MAX6951 are compact common-cathode display drivers that interface microprocessors to individual 7-segment numeric LED digits, bar graph, or discrete LEDs through an SPI-, QSPI-, MICROWIRE-compatible serial interface. The supply voltage can be as low as 2.7V. The MAX6950CEE drives up to five 7-segment digits or 40 discrete LEDs. The MAX6951 drives up to eight 7-segment digits or 64 discrete LEDs. Included on-chip are hexadecimal character decoders (0-9, A-F), multiplex scan circuitry, segment and digit drivers, and a static RAM that stores each digit. The user may select hexadecimal decoding or no-decode for each digit to allow any mix of 7-segment digits, bar graph, or discrete LEDs to be driven. The segment current for the LEDs is set by an internal digital brightness control. The segment drivers are slew-rate limited to reduce EMI. Individual digits may be addressed and updated without rewriting the entire display. The devices include a low-power shutdown mode, digital brightness control, a scan-limit register that allows the user to display from one to eight digits, segment blinking that can be synchronized across drivers, and a test mode that forces all LEDs on.
- High-speed 26MHz SPI-, QSPI-, MICROWIRE-Compatible Serial Interface
- +2.7V to +5.5V Operation
- Individual LED Segment Control
- Segment Blinking Control that Can Be Synchronized Across Multiple Drivers
- Hexadecimal Decode/No-Decode Digit Selection
- Digital Brightness Control
- Display Blanked on Power-Up
- Drives Common-Cathode LED Digits
- Multiplex Clock Syncronizable to External Clock
- Slew-Rate Limited Segment Drivers for Low EMI
- 75μA Low-Power Shutdown (Data Retained)
- Small 16-Pin QSOP Package
- Bar Graphs and Matrix Displays
- Industrial Controllers and Instrumentation
- Medical Equipment
- Panel Meters
- Professional Audio Equipment
- Set-Top Boxes
- White Goods