The INA170EA/250G4 is a high-side bidirectional Current-shunt Monitor features a wide input common-mode voltage range, low quiescent current and enable use in a variety of applications. Bidirectional current measurement is accomplished by output offsetting. The offset voltage level is set with an external resistor and voltage reference. This permits measurement of a bidirectional shunt current while using a single supply for the INA170. Input common-mode and power-supply voltages are independent. Input voltage can range from +2.7 to +60V on any supply voltage from +2.7 to +40V. Low 10µA input bias current adds minimal error to the shunt current. The monitor converts a differential input voltage to a current output. This current develops a voltage across an external load resistor, setting any gain from 1 to over 100.
- Complete bidirectional current measurement circuit
- Resistor programmable gain set
- 75µA Typical low quiescent current
- Green product and no Sb/Br