BD26503GUL-E2 and BD26503KS2 is “Matrix LED Driver” that is the most suitable for the cellular phone and home electric appliances. It can control 7x17 (119 dot) LED Matrix by internal 7-channel PMOS SWs and 17-channel LED drivers. It can control the luminance and firefly lighting of the LED matrix by the setting of the internal register. It supports SPI and I²C interface.
- LED Matrix driver (7x17)
- The current drivers can drive 0 to 20mA current with “16” step (for every dot).
- The current drivers can drive 30mA/Line.
- 64 steps of the luminance control by PWM (common setting for all dots)
- Continuous lighting function (TDMA off ) for LED14 to LED17
- A/B 2-side map for each dot.
- Automatic Slope function
- 8-direction automatic scroll function.
- SPI and I²C BUS FS mode(max 400kHz)Compatibility
- Thermal shutdown (TSD)