The LC75857WH-E is a 1/3 duty and 1/4 duty LCD display driver that can directly drive up to 164 segments and can control up to four general-purpose output ports. This product also incorporate a key scan circuit that accepts input from up to 30 keys to reduce printed circuit board wiring.
- Key input function for up to 30 keys (A key scan is performed only when a key is pressed.)
- 1/3 duty and 1/4 duty drive schemes can be controlled from serial data.
- 1/2 bias and 1/3 bias drive schemes can be controlled from serial data.
- Capable of driving up to 126 segments using 1/3 duty and up to 164 segments using 1/4 duty.
- Sleep mode and all segments off functions that are controlled from serial data.
- Switching between key scan output and segment output can be controlled from the serial data.
- The key scan operation enabled/disabled state can be controlled from the serial data.
- Switching between segment output port and general-purpose output port can be controlled from serial data.
- The common and segment output waveform frame frequency can be controlled from the serial data.
- Switching between RC oscillator mode and external clock mode can be controlled from the serial data.
- Serial data I/O supports 'computer control bus' format communication with the system controller.
- Direct display of display data without the use of a decoder provides high generality.
- Independent VLCD for the LCD driver block.
- Provision of an on-chip voltage-detection type reset circuit prevents incorrect displays.