LC79451KB-X2T is controller and driver IC for the electronic paper display (EPD). It can realize low supply voltage and low power consumption. It supports SPI and I2C interface. It is equipped with waveform generator, oscillator, charge-pump and 128 segment drivers.
- Logic power supply voltage (VDD) : +1.6V to +3.6V
- Analog power supply voltage (VDD2) : +1.8V to +3.6V
- Interface : SPI or I2C
- Operating frequency : 400kHz max (I2C) /10MHz max (SPI)
- Standby current : 1µA max
- Operating current : 30µA typ (no load, charge-pump frequency 1kHz)
- Number of segment drive output : 128
- Level of segment drive output : 3 level (-15V/0V/+15V)
- Waveform output : Internal waveform generator
- Internal charge-pump : +15V/-15V
- Frequency of CR oscillator : 32kHz +/-3%
- Automatic low power function :Automatic start and stop of internal circuit with the waveform outputAutomatic shift to the lower charge-pump frequency with finish of the waveform output
- Gold bump chip : X = 6.55mm, Y = 1.43mm
- Electronic Paper Display (EPD)