The MIC94310-PYM5-TR Ripple Blocker™ is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides low-frequency ripple attenuation (switching noise rejection) to a regulated output voltage. This is important for applications where a DC/DC switching converter is required to lower or raise a battery voltage but where switching noise cannot be tolerated by sensitive downstream circuits such as in RF applications. The MIC94310-PYM5-TR maintains high power supply ripple rejection (PSRR) with input voltages operating near the output voltage level to improve overall system efficiency. A low-voltage logic enable pin facilitates ON/OFF control at typical GPIO voltage levels.
The MIC94310-PYM5-TR operates from an input voltage of 1.8V to 3.6V.
Packaged in a 4-pin 1.2mm x 1.6mm Thin DFN with a junction operating temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.
- 1.8V to 3.6V input voltage range
- Active noise rejection over a wide frequency band: >50dB from 10Hz to 10MHz at 200mA load
- Rated to 200mA output current
- Fixed output voltages
- Current-limit and thermal-limit protected
- 1.2mm x 1.6mm, 4-pin Thin DFN
- Logic-controlled enable pin
- -40°C to +125°C junction temperature range