The TLE42794G is a monolithic integrated low dropout voltage regulator, especially designed for automotive applications. An input voltage up to 45 V is regulated to an output voltage of 5.0 V. The component is able to drive loads up to 150 mA. It is short-circuit protected by the implemented current limitation and has an integrated over temperature shutdown. A reset signal is generated for an output voltage V Q,rt of typically 4.65 V.
- Output Voltage 5 V ± 2%
- Output Current up to 150 mA
- Very low Current Consumption
- Early Warning
- Power-on and Under voltage Reset with Programmable Delay Time
- Reset Low Down to V Q ; = 1 V
- Adjustable Reset Threshold
- Very Low Dropout Voltage
- Output Current Limitation
- Reverse Polarity Protection
- Over temperature Protection
- Suitable for Use in Automotive Electronics
- Wide Temperature Range from -40 °C up to 150 °C
- Input Voltage Range from -42 V to 45 V
- Green Product (RoHS compliant)
- AEC Qualified
- Robust protection features
- Wide input operation and temperature range
- Automotive general