The TK112xxC is an integrated circuit with a silicon monolithic bipolar structure. The regulator is of the low saturation voltage output type with very little quiescent current (65mA).
The PNP power transistor is built-in. The I/O voltage difference is 0.17V (typical) when a current of 200mA is supplied to the system. Because of the low voltage drop, the voltage source can be effectively used; this makes it very suitable for battery powered equipment.
The on/off function is built into the IC. The current during standby mode becomes very small (pA level).
The output voltage is available from 1.5 to 10.0V in 0.1V steps. The output voltage is trimmed with high accuracy. This allows the optimum voltage to be selected for the equipment.
The over current sensor circuit and the reverse-bias protection circuit are built-in.
It is a very rugged design because the ESD protection is high. Therefore, the TK112xxC can be used with confidence.
When mounted on the PCB, the power dissipation rating becomes about 600mW/ 900mW, even though the packages are very small.
The TK112xxC features very high stability in both DC and AC.
The capacitor on the output side provides stable operation with 0.1mF with 2.5V £ Vout. A capacitor of any type can be used; however, the larger this capacitor is, the better the overall characteristics are.
- Very low Dropout Voltage. (Vdrop=105mV at 100mA)
- Very good stability (CL=0.1mF is stable for any type capacitor with 2.5V £ Vout)
- High Precision output Voltage (±1.5% or ±50mV)
- Good ripple rejection ratio (80dB at 1kHz)
- Wide operating voltage range (1.8V ~ 14.5V)
- Peak output current is 480mA.(10% down point)
- Built-in Short circuit protection
- Built-in Thermal Shutdown
- Suitable for Very Low Noise Applications
- Built-in on/off Control (0.1mA Max Standby current) High On
- Very Small Surface Mount Packages SOT23L / SOT89 package
- Built-in reverse bias over current protection
(Picture: Pinout)