The TC1070, TC1071, and TC1187VCT713-VAO are adjustable LDOs designed to supersede a variety of older (bipolar) voltage regulators. Total supply current is typically 50uA at full load, (20 to 60 times lower than in bipolar regulators). The devices’ key features include ultra low noise operation, very low dropout voltage — typically 85mV (TC1070); 180mV (TC1071); and 270mV (TC1187) at full load, and fast response to step changes in load. Supply current is reduced to 0.5 µA (max) when the shutdown input is low. The devices incorporate both over-temperature and over-current protection. Output voltage is programmed with a simple resistor divider from VOUT to ADJ to GND. The TC1070, TC1071, and TC1187VCT713-VAO are stable with an output capacitor of only 1F and have a maximum output current of 50mA, 100mA, and 150mA, respectively. For higher output versions, please see the TC1174 (IOUT = 300mA) data sheet.
- Very Low Ground Current for Longer Battery Life
- Adjustable Output Voltage
- Very Low Dropout Voltage
- Choice of 50mA, 100mA, 150mA Output (TC1070, TC1071, TC1187, Respectively)
- Power-Saving Shutdown Mode
- Over-Current and Over-Temperature Protection
- Pin Compatible with Bipolar Regulators