The MAX8891/MAX8892 low-dropout (LDO) linear regulators are designed to deliver up to 150mA continuous output current. These regulators achieve a low 120mV dropout for 120mA load current. The MAX8891EXK26+T only requires an input/output capacitor, hence achieving the smallest PCB area. The MAX8892's output voltage can be adjusted with an external divider. The MAX8891EXK26+T is preset to a variety of voltages in the 1.5V to 4.5V range. Designed with a p-channel MOSFET series pass transistor, the MAX8891/MAX8892 maintain very low ground current (40μA). The regulators are designed and optimized to work with low-value, low-cost ceramic capacitors. The MAX8891/MAX8892 require only 1μF (typ) of output capacitance for stability with any load. When disabled, current consumption drops to below 1μA. These regulators are available in a tiny 5-pin SC70 package.
- Space-Saving SC70 Package
- 65dB PSRR at 10kHz
- 120mV Dropout at 120mA Load
- Stable with 1μF Ceramic Capacitor for Any Load
- Guaranteed 150mA Output
- Only Need Input and Output Capacitors (MAX8891)
- Output Voltages: 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.6V, 2.7V, 2.8V, 2.85V, 3V, 3.3V, 4.5V (MAX8891) and Adjustable (MAX8892)
- Low 40μA Ground Current
- Excellent Load/Line Transient
- Overcurrent and Thermal Protection
- Base Stations
- Bluetooth Portable Radios and Accessories
- Cellular and Cordless Phones
- Digital Cameras
- PDA and Palmtop Computers
- Personal Stereos
- Portable and Battery-Powered Equipment
- Wireless LANs