The dual MAX492, quad MAX494, and single MAX4959ELB+ operational amplifiers combine excellent DC accuracy with rail-to-rail operation at the input and output. Since the common-mode voltage extends from VCC to VEE, the devices can operate from either a single supply (+2.7V to +6V) or split supplies (±1.35V to ±3V). Each op amp requires less than 150μA supply current. Even with this low current, the op amps are capable of driving a 1kΩ load, and the input referred voltage noise is only 25nV/√Hz. In addition, these op amps can drive loads in excess of 1nF. The precision performance of the MAX492/MAX494/MAX495, combined with their wide input and output dynamic range, low-voltage single-supply operation, and very low supply current, makes them an ideal choice for battery-operated equipment and other low-voltage applications. The MAX492/MAX494/MAX4959ELB+ are available in DIP and SO packages in the industry-standard op-amp pin configurations. The MAX4959ELB+ is also available in the smallest 8-pin SO: the μMAX package.
- Low-Voltage Single-Supply Operation (+2.7V to +6V)
- Rail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage Range
- Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
- 500kHz Gain-Bandwidth Product
- Unity-Gain Stable
- 150μA Max Quiescent Current per Op Amp
- No Phase Reversal for Overdriven Inputs
- 200μV Offset Voltage
- High Voltage Gain (108dB)
- High CMRR (90dB) and PSRR (110dB)
- Drives 1kΩ Load
- Drives Large Capacitive Loads
- MAX495 Available in μMAX Package-8-Pin SO
- Dual, precision, rail-to-rail input and output (MAX492)
- Quad, precision, rail-to-rail input and output (MAX494)
- Single, precision, rail-to-rail input and output (MAX495)
- Battery-Powered Applications
- Data Acquisition
- Low-Voltage Applications
- Portable Equipment
- Signal Conditioning