The MAX6443–MAX6452 low-current microprocessor reset circuits feature single or dual manual reset inputs with an extended setup period. Because of the extended setup period, short switch closures (nuisance resets) are ignored. On all devices, the reset output asserts when any of the monitored supply voltages drops below its specified threshold. The reset output remains asserted for the reset timeout period (210ms typ) after all monitored supplies exceed their reset thresholds. The reset output is one-shot pulse asserted for the reset timeout period (140ms min) when selected manual reset input(s) are held low for an extended setup timeout period. These devices ignore manual reset transitions of less than the extended setup timeout period. The MAX6443–MAX6448 are single fixed-voltage μP supervisors. The MAX6443/MAX6444US29L have a single extended manual reset input. The MAX6445/MAX6446 have two extended manual reset inputs. The MAX6447/MAX6448 have one extended and one immediate manual reset input. The MAX6449–MAX6452 have one fixed-threshold μP supervisor and one adjustable-threshold μP supervisor. The MAX6449/MAX6450 have two delayed manual reset inputs. The MAX6451/MAX6452 have one delayed and one immediate manual reset input. The MAX6443–MAX6452 have an active-low RESET with push-pull or open-drain output logic options. These devices, offered in small SOT packages, are fully guaranteed over the extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C).
- Single- or Dual-Supply Voltage Monitors
- Precision Factory-Set Reset Thresholds from 1.6V to 4.6V
- Adjustable Threshold to Monitor Voltages Down to 0.63V (MAX6449–MAX6452)
- Single or Dual Manual Reset Inputs with Extended Setup Period
- Optional Short Setup Time Manual Reset Input (MAX6447/MAX6448 and MAX6451/MAX6452)
- Immune to Short Voltage Transients
- Low 6μA Supply Current
- Guaranteed Valid Reset Down to VCC = 1.0V
- Active-Low RESET (Push-Pull or Open-Drain) Outputs
- 140ms (min) Reset Timeout Period
- Small SOT143 and SOT23 Packages
- AEC-Q100 Qualified (MAX6444US16K/V+T)
- Automotive
- Cable/DSL Modems
- Consumer Electronics
- DVD Players
- Industrial Equipment
- Medical Devices
- MP3 Players
- Set-Top Boxes