Intended for analog and digital satellite receivers/sat-TV, sat-PC cards, the LNBH23TQTR is a monolithic voltage regulator and interface IC, assembled in PowerSSO-24 ePAD and QFN32 (5 x 5 mm.) ePAD, specifically designed to provide the 13/18 V power supply and the 22 kHz tone signalling to the LNB down-converter in the antenna dish or to the multi-switch box. In this application field, it offers a complete solution with extremely low component count, low power dissipation together with simple design and I2C standard interfacing.
- CompleteinterfacebetweenLNBandI2Cbus
- Built-inDC-DCconverterforsingle12Vsupplyoperationandhighefficiency(typ.93%@0.75A),withintegratedNMOS
- Selectableoutputcurrentlimitbyexternalresistor
- Compliantwithmainsatellitereceiversystemsspecifications
- Newaccuratebuilt-in22kHztonegeneratorsuitswidelyacceptedstandards(patentpending)
- Fastoscillatorstart-upfacilitatesDiSEqCencoding
- Built-in22kHztonedetectorsupportsbi-directionalDiSEqC2.0