The DLP3310 digital micromirror device (DMD) isa digitally controlled micro-opto-electromechanical system (MOEMS) spatial light modulator (SLM).When coupled to an appropriate optical system, the DLP3310 DMD displays a very crisp and high quality image or video.DLP3310 is part of thechipset composed of the DLP3310 DMD, DLPC3437 controller, andDLPA3000/DLPA3005 PMIC/LED driver. The compact physicalsize of the DLP3310 coupledwith the controller and the PMIC/LED driver provides a complete system solution that enables smallform factor, low power, and full-HD displays.
Visit thegettingstarted with TI DLP® PicoTM displaytechnology page to learn how to get started with the DLP3310 .
The DLP3310ecosystem includes established resources to help the user accelerate the design cycle, whichincludeproductionready optical modules,opticalmodules manufactures, anddesignhouses.
- 0.33-Inch (8.47-mm) Diagonal Micromirror Array
- Displays Full-HD 1920 × 1080 Pixels on the Screen
- 5.4-µm Micromirror Pitch
- 17° Micromirror Tilt (Relative to Flat Surface)
- Side Illumination for Optimal Efficiency and Optical Engine Size
- Polarization Independent Aluminum Micromirror Surface
- 32-Bit SubLVDS Input Data Bus
- Dedicated DLPC3437 Controller and DLPA3000/DLPA3005 PMIC/LED Driver for Reliable Operation