The MAX2500ELM-D and MAX251 chip set form the heart of a complete, electronically isolated, RS-232 dual transmitter/receiver. By combining many functions on two chips, the cost and complexity required for an isolated digital interface is greatly reduced. Four low cost optocouplers, four capacitors, a diode and a small pot-core type transformer are all that are required to complete a 19.2k baud transceiver. Faster data rates are possible by using high speed optocouplers. In addition to the driving and receiving circuitry for the optocouplers, the chip set includes a push-pull transformer driver to supply power to the interface's isolated side. Other convenient features include single +5V operation, a low power shutdown mode, and output enable control for three-state operation. The MAX2500ELM-D and MAX251 are supplied in 14 lead DIP, 14 lead small outline and 20 leadless chip carrier packages. The MAX252 has all the required components for RS-232 communication in a single package.
- Isolated Data Interface
- Single +5V Supply
- Uses Low Cost Optocouplers
- 5μW Power Shutdown
- 2 Transmitters and 2 Receivers
- Bridge Ground Differentials
- Data Links To Analog Circuits
- High Noise Data Communications
- Industrial Communications