The MAX860/MAX8616ETL+T charge-pump voltage converters invert input voltages ranging from +1.5V to +5.5V, or double input voltages ranging from +2.5V to +5.5V. Because of their high switching frequencies, these devices use only two small, low-cost capacitors. Their 50mA output makes switching regulators unnecessary, eliminating inductors and their associated cost, size, and EMI. Greater than 90% efficiency over most of the load-current range, combined with a typical operating current of only 200μA (MAX860), provides ideal performance for both battery-powered and board-level voltage-conversion applications.
A frequency-control (FC) pin provides three switching-frequencies to optimize capacitor size and quiescent current and to prevent interference with sensitive circuitry. Each device has a unique set of three available frequencies. A shutdown (active-low SHDN) pin reduces current consumption to less than 1μA. The MAX860/MAX8616ETL+T are suitable for use in applications where the ICL7660 and MAX660's switching frequencies are too low. The MAX860/MAX8616ETL+T are available in 8-pin μMAX and SO packages.
- 8-Pin, 1.11mm High μMAX Package
- Invert or Double the Input Supply Voltage
- Three Selectable Switching Frequencies
- High Frequency Reduces Capacitor Size
- 87% Efficiency at 50mA
- 200μA Quiescent Current (MAX860)
- 1μA Shutdown Supply Current
- 600mV Voltage Drop at 50mA Load
- 12Ω Output Resistance
- Handheld Instruments (PDAs, Palmtops)
- Interface Power Supplies
- Medical Instruments
- Operational Amplifier Power Supplies
- Portable Computing