The Photovoltaic AC Relay (PVA) is a single-pole, normally open solid state replacement for electromechanical relays used for general purpose switching of analog signals. It utilizes as an output switch a unique bidirectional (AC or DC) MOSFET power IC termed a BOSFET. The BOSFET is controlled by a photovoltaic generator of novel construction, which is energized by radiation from a dielectrically isolated light emitting diode (LED).
■ 1010Operations
■ 100µsec Operating Time
■ 0.2µVolt Thermal Offset
■ 3 milliwatts Pick-Up Power
■ 1000V/µsec dv/dt
■ Bounce-Free
■ 8-pin DIP Package
■ -40°C to 85°C
■ UL recognized