Linear Technology's offer a selection of inverting switching regulators, these regulators are designed to invert input voltages to negative outputs. Offering input voltages up to 60V and switch currents up to 10A with adjustable or fixed outputs. They may also incorporate integrated schottky diodes, fixed frequency operation, programmable current limit and low noise operation characteristics.
- SEPIC or Inverting Topology
- Wide Input Voltage Range: 2.8V to 18V
- Up to 700mA Output Current at VIN = 12V, VOUT = 2.5V or –2.5V
- Up to 375mA Output Current at VIN = 12V, VOUT =15V or –15V
- 2.5V to 15V or –2.5V to –15V Output Voltage
- Selectable Switching Frequency: 200kHz to 2MHz
- Programmable Soft-Start
- User Configurable Undervoltage Lockout
- 6.25mm × 11.25mm × 4.92mm BGA Package
- Battery Powered Regulator
- Local Negative Voltage Regulator
- Low Noise Amplifier Power