The MP3V5004DP is a Piezoresistive Transducer is a state-of-the-art monolithic silicon pressure sensor designed for a wide range of applications, but particularly those employing a microcontroller or microprocessor with A/D inputs. This sensor combines a highly sensitive implanted strain gauge with advanced micromachining techniques, thin-film metallization and bipolar processing to provide an accurate, high level analogue output signal that is proportional to the applied pressure.
- Axial port has been modified to accommodate industrial grade tubing
- 1.5% Maximum error for 0 to 100mm H2O over 10° to 60°C with auto zero
- 2.5% Maximum error for 100 to 400mm H2O over 10° to 60°C with auto zero
- 6.25% Maximum error for 0 to 400mm H2O over 10 to 60°C without auto zero