The LM95235CIMM/NOPB is a 11-bit Digital Temperature Sensor with a 2-wire SMBus interface that can monitor temperature. The LM95235 can be used to very accurately monitor the temperature of external devices such as microprocessors, graphics processors or a diode-connected MMBT3904 transistor. The LM95235 T_CRIT and OS Management outputs are asserted when either unmasked channel shutdown the system, to turn on the system fans or as a microcontroller interrupt function. The current Electronics status of the T_CRIT and OS pins can be read back from the status registers via the SMBus interface. All limits have a shared programmable hysteresis register. The remote temperature channel of the LM95235 has a programmable digital filter. The LM95235 contains a diode model selection bit to select between a typical Intel® processor on a 65 nm or 90 nm process or MMBT3904, as well as an offset register for maximum flexibility and best accuracy.
- Remote and local temperature channels
- TruTherm BJT Beta compensation technology
- Programmable conversion rate for best power consumption
- Two formats -128 to 127.875°C and 0 to 255.875°C
- Digital filter for remote channel
- Programmable TCRIT and OS thresholds
- Programmable shared hysteresis register
- Diode fault detection
- Mask, offset and status registers
- SMBus 2.0 compatible interface
- 3-level Address pin
- Standby mode one-shot conversion control
- Pin-for-Pin-compatible with the LM86 and LM89
- Green product and no Sb/Br