The DS1856E-002 dual, temperature-controlled, nonvolatile (NV) variable resistors with three monitors consists of two 256-position, linear, variable resistors; three analog monitor inputs (MON1, MON2, MON3); and a direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The device provides an ideal method for setting and temperature-compensating bias voltages and currents in control applications using minimal circuitry. The variable resistor settings are stored in EEPROM memory and can be accessed over the 2-wire serial bus. Relative to other members of the family, the DS1856E-002 is essentially a DS1859 with a DS1852-friendly memory map. In particular, the DS1856E-002 can be configured so the 128 bytes of internal Auxiliary EEPROM memory is mapped into Main Device Table 00h and Table 01h, maintaining compatibility between both the DS1858/DS1859 and the DS1852. The DS1856E-002 also features password protection equivalent to the DS1852, further enhancing compatibility between the two.
- SFF-8472 Compatible
- Five Monitored Channels (Temperature, VCC, MON1, MON2, MON3)
- Three External Analog Inputs (MON1, MON2, MON3) That Support Internal and External Calibration
- Scalable Dynamic Range for External Analog Inputs
- Internal Direct-to-Digital Temperature Sensor
- Alarm and Warning Flags for All Monitored Channels
- Two Linear, 256-Position, Nonvolatile Temperature-Controlled Variable Resistors
- Resistor Settings Changeable Every 2°C
- Three Levels of Security
- Access to Monitoring and ID Information Configurable with Separate Device Addresses
- 2-Wire Serial Interface
- Two Buffers with TTL/CMOS-Compatible Inputs and Open-Drain Outputs
- Operates from a 3.3V or 5V Supply
- -40°C to +95°C Operating Temperature Range
- Diagnostic Monitoring
- Instrumentation and Industrial Controls
- Optical Transceivers
- Optical Transponders
- RF Power Amps