The TMP121AIDBVTG4 is a Temperature Sensor with SPI interface. Requiring no external components, the TMP121 is capable of measuring temperatures within 2°C of accuracy over a temperature range of -40 to +125°C. Low supply current and a supply range from 2.7 to 5.5V, makes it excellent candidates for low-power applications. The sensing device is the chip itself, the die flag of the lead frame is thermally connected to pin 2. It continuously convert temperatures to digital data while CS is high. CS must be high for a minimum of one conversion time (320ms max) to update the temperature data. The TMP121 is ideal for extended thermal measurement in a variety of communication, computer, consumer, environmental, industrial and instrumentation applications. Quiescent current is reduced to 1µA during analogue shutdown. Once CS is pulled low, temperature data from the last completed conversion prior to dropping CS is latched into the shift register and clocked out at SO on the falling SCK edge.
- SPI-compatible interface digital output
- 12-bit + sign, 0.0625°C resolution
- ±1.5°C Accuracy from -25 to +85°C (maximum)
- Low quiescent current (50µA maximum)
- Green product and no Sb/Br