The LM20BIM7_NOPB is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates over 55°C to 130°C. The power supply operating range is 2.4 V to 5.5 V. The transfer function of LM20BIM7_NOPB is predominately linear, yet has a slight predictable parabolic curvature. The accuracy of the LM20BIM7_NOPB when specified to a parabolic transfer function is ±1.5°C at an ambient temperature of 30°C. The temperature error increases linearly and reaches a maximum of ±2.5°C at the temperature range extremes. The temperature range is affected by the power supply voltage. At a power supply voltage of 2.7 V to 5.5 V, the temperature range extremes are 130°C and 55°C. Decreasing the power supply voltage to 2.4 V changes the negative extreme to 30°C, while the positive extreme remains at 130°C.
The LM20BIM7_NOPB quiescent current is less than 10 μA. Therefore, self-heating is less than 0.02°C in still air. Shutdown capability for the LM20BIM7_NOPB is intrinsic because its inherent low power consumption allows it to be powered directly from the output of many logic gates or does not necessitate shutdown.
- Rated for 55°C to 130°C Range
- Available in SC70 and DSBGA Package
- Predictable Curvature Error
- Suitable for Remote Applications
- Accuracy at 30°C ±1.5 to ±4°C (Maximum)
- Accuracy at 130°C and 55°C ±2.5 to ±5°C (Maximum)
- Power Supply Voltage Range 2.4 V to 5.5 V
- Current Drain 10 μA (Maximum)
- Nonlinearity ±0.4% (Typical)
- Output Impedance 160 Ω (Maximum)
- Load Regulation
0 μA < IL< 16 μA 2.5 mV (Maximum)