The ADT74811 is a 3-channel digital thermometer and under/ over temperature alarm, intended for use in PCs and thermal management systems. It can measure its own ambient temperature or the temperature of two remote thermal diodes. These thermal diodes can be located in a CPU or GPU, or they can be discrete diode connected transistors. The ambient temperature, or the temperature of the remote thermal diode, can be accurately measured to ±1℃. The temperature measurement range defaults to 0℃ to +127℃, compatible with ADM1032, but can be switched to a wider measurement range from 64℃ to +191℃.
APPLICATIONS Desktop and notebook computers Industrial controllers Smart batteries Automotive Embedded systems Burn-in applications Instrumentation
1 local and 2 remote temperature sensors 0.25℃ resolution/1℃ accuracy on remote channels 1℃ resolution/1℃ accuracy on local channel Extended, switchable temperature measurement range 0℃ to 127℃ (default) or 64℃ to +191℃ 2-wire SMBus serial interface with SMBus ALERT support Programmable over/under temperature limits Offset registers for system calibration Up to 2 over temperature fail-safe THERM outputs Small 10-lead MSOP package 240 μA operating current, 5 μA standby current