The LM60BIZ/NOPB is a precision integrated-circuit Temperature Sensor that can sense a -40 to +125°C temperature range while operating from a single 2.7V supply. The output voltage of the device is linearly proportional to Celsius (Centigrade) temperature (6.25mV/°C) and has a DC offset of 424mV. The offset allows reading negative temperatures without the need for a negative supply. The nominal output voltage of the device ranges from 174 to 1205mV for a -40 to +125°C temperature range. The linear output of the device, 424mV offset and factory calibration simplify external circuitry required in a single supply environment where reading negative temperatures is required. Because the quiescent current of the device is less than 110µA, quiescent current of the device is less than 110µA, self-heating is limited to a very low 0.1°C in still air. Shutdown capability for the device is intrinsic.
- Calibrated linear scale factor of 6.25mV/°C
- ±4°C (maximum) Accuracy (at -40 to +125°C)
- ±3°C (maximum) Accuracy (at 25 to +125°C)
- 110µA (maximum) Current drain (at 25°C)
- ±0.8°C (maximum) Nonlinearity
- 800R (maximum) Output impedance
- Green product and no Sb/Br