9icnet provides you with R20407RN02Q designed and produced by C&K, which is sold in 9icnet on the spot, and can be purchased through channels such as the original factory and agents. R20407RN02Q price reference $7.13000. C&K R20407RN02Q Package/Specification: SWITCH ROTARY 4POS 5A 125V. You can download R20407RN02Q english data, pin diagram, Datasheet data sheet function manual, the data contains detailed pin diagrams of diode rectifiers, application circuit diagrams of functions, voltages, usage methods and tutorials.
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The R20405RN02Q is SW ROTARY DP SLIDE 4POS T/H 125V, that includes R Series, they are designed to operate with a 5A (AC), 500mA (DC) Current Rating, Termination Style is shown on datasheet note for use in a PC Pin, that offers Mounting Type features such as Through Hole, Voltage Rating AC is designed to work in 125V, as well as the 125V Voltage Rating DC, the device can also be used as Flatted (6.35mm Dia) Actuator Type. In addition, the Contact Material is Copper, the device is offered in Silver Contact Finish, the device has a 4 of Number of Positions, and Contact Timing is Non-Shorting (BBM), and the Angle of Throw is 36°, and Index Stops is Fixed, and the Number of Decks is 1, and Number of Poles per Deck is 2, and the Circuit per Deck is DP4T, and Actuator Length is 9.53mm, and the Depth Behind Panel is 10.29mm.
The R2040 is Rectifiers Standard Rectifier (trr more than 500ns), that includes DO-4-2 Package Case, they are designed to operate with a Screw Mounting Style.
The R203665030W is RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors SSMB/R/A JK RECP FOR PCB SOLDER LEGS manufactured by Radiall. is part of the RF Interconnects, , and with support for RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors SSMB/R/A JK RECP FOR PCB SOLDER LEGS.