9icnet provides you with S202031MS02G designed and produced by C&K, which is sold in 9icnet on the spot, and can be purchased through channels such as the original factory and agents. S202031MS02G price reference $8.37000. C&K S202031MS02G Package/Specification: SWITCH SLIDE DPDT 6A 125V. You can download S202031MS02G english data, pin diagram, Datasheet data sheet function manual, the data contains detailed pin diagrams of diode rectifiers, application circuit diagrams of functions, voltages, usage methods and tutorials.
Prices and stocks marked on 9icnet are for reference only. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can contact us by email or online message, such as S202031MS02G price, stock quantity, data sheet and manufacturer. We look forward to your contact and provide you with quality service.
The S201TL is 0201 L-SERIES CAP TUNING KIT, that includes L Series, they are designed to operate with a Plastic Box with Bin Guide Packaging, Capacitance is shown on datasheet note for use in a 0.2pF ~ 6.8pF, that offers Mounting Type features such as Surface Mount, Features is designed to work in High Q, Low Loss, as well as the 25V Voltage Rated, the device can also be used as RF, Microwave, High Frequency Applications. In addition, the Tolerance is ±0.05pF, ±0.1pF, ±0.25pF, the device is offered in 1400 Pcs (50 Per Value) Quantity, the device has a Ceramic of Kit Type, and Packages Included is 0201 (0603 Metric).
The S201S06F is RELAY SSR 240VAC 3A ZC 4-SIP, that includes 80 ~ 240 V Voltage Load, they are designed to operate with a 1.2VDC Voltage Input, Termination Style is shown on datasheet note for use in a PC Pin, that offers Supplier Device Package features such as 4-SIP, Series is designed to work in S201, as well as the Relay Relay Type, the device can also be used as Tube Packaging. In addition, the Package Case is 4-SIP, the device is offered in AC, Zero Cross Output Type, the device has a Through Hole of Mounting Type, and Load Current is 3A, and the Circuit is SPST-NO (1 Form A).
The S2020 is Rectifiers Standard Rectifier (trr more than 500ns), that includes Screw Mounting Style, they are designed to operate with a DO-4-2 Package Case.
S201S06V with EDA / CAD Models manufactured by SHARP. The S201S06V is available in BGA Package, is part of the Memory.