The MASW-008801-000000 is a GaAs pHEMT MMIC singlepole double throw (SPDT) switch in a lead-free 3mm 16-lead PQFN package. The MASW-008801-000000 isideally suited for applications where low controlvoltage, high isolation, small size and low cost arerequired.Typical applications are to replace mechanicalrelays in CATV and satellite systems. This part canbe used in all 75 O systems operating up to 3 GHz.The MASW-008801-000000 is fabricated using a 0.5 microngate length GaAs pHEMT process. The processfeatures full passivation for performance andreliability.
- 75 Impedance
- 100% Matte Tin Plating over Copper
- Lead-Free 3 mm 16-Lead PQFN Package
- Achieve 80 dB isolation at 216 MHz
- 0.5 micron GaAs pHEMT Process
- High Isolation: 50 dB at 2500 MHz
- Positive Voltage Control
- Input Terminated
- RoHS* Compliant
- Halogen-Free “Green” Mold Compound
- 260°C Reflow Compatible
- Insertion Loss : 0.8 dB
- Min Frequency: 5 MHz
- IIP3: 47 dBm
- Isolation: 85 dB
- Max Frequency: 3,000 MHz