- Hermetically sealed for use in hazardous locations (add 'S' suffix to part number)
- Clip-lock (CL) available
E-175 A 2
- 描述:ROLLER 2"
- 品牌: 吉多尔工具公司 (Gedore)
- 交期:5-7 工作日
- 自营
- 得捷
- 贸泽
起订量: 1
数量 | 单价 | 合计 |
1+ | 70.54584 | 70.54584 |
- 库存: 0
- 单价: ¥70.54585
- +
- 总计: ¥70.55
温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。
- 部件状态 可供货
- 制造厂商 吉多尔工具公司 (Gedore)
- 附件种类 滚子
- 配套使用/相关货物 管钳
E-175 A 2 产品详情
175E2C2.75 fuses have time current characteristics designed to provide current limiting protection for power transformers, potential transformers, power centers, feeder centers, and unit sub stations. When properly applied, E-rated fuses can protect against high and low value fault currents.NEMA Standards for E-rated medium voltage fuses require that fuses rated 100E or less open within 300 seconds (5 minutes) when subjected to an RMS value of 200-240% of the fuse's continuous current rating; and fuses with an E-rating larger than 100E must open within 600 seconds (10 minutes) when subjected to an rms current of 220-240% of the fuse's continuous current rating. These values establish one point on the time-current curve.Options
E-175 A 2所属分类:配件,E-175 A 2 由 吉多尔工具公司 (Gedore) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。E-175 A 2价格参考¥70.545846,你可以下载 E-175 A 2中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询E-175 A 2规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
吉多尔工具公司 (Gedore)
GEDORE Tools设计和制造手工工具已有90年的历史,并在70多个国家提供这些工具。这些工具由专业人员选择,他们的工作取决于工作质量。客户可以依靠最佳的材料性能、精确的制造、完美的人体工程学、增强...