The 571DGA000496DG parts manufactured by SILICON LABS are available for purchase at 9icnet Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The 571DGA000496DG components of 9icnet Electronics are carefully chosen, undergo stringent quality control, and are successfully meet all required standards.
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The 571CHC000233DG is Programmable Oscillators PRGML VCXO 8PN 0.5PS RMS JITTER (NCNR) manufactured by Silicon Labs. The 571CHC000233DG is available in 7 mm x 5 mm Package, is part of the Oscillators, , and with support for Programmable Oscillators PRGML VCXO 8PN 0.5PS RMS JITTER (NCNR).
The 571CJC000121DG is Programmable Oscillators PRGRMMBL VCXO 8 PIN 0.5PS RS JTR (NCNR) manufactured by Silicon Labs. is part of the Oscillators, , and with support for Programmable Oscillators PRGRMMBL VCXO 8 PIN 0.5PS RS JTR (NCNR), Oscillator VCXO 100MHz 1.5ppm (Tol) ±20ppm (Stability) 15pF CMOS 55% 3.3V 8-Pin SMD Tray.
The 571CMC000107DG is Programmable Oscillators VCXO 7mmx5mm 8 pin (NCNR) manufactured by Silicon Labs. The 571CMC000107DG is available in 7 mm x 5 mm Package, is part of the Oscillators, , and with support for Programmable Oscillators VCXO 7mmx5mm 8 pin (NCNR).
The 571DCB000106DG is Programmable Oscillators Prgrmble VCXO 8 pin 7mm x 5mm (NCNR) manufactured by Silicon Labs. The 571DCB000106DG is available in 7 mm x 5 mm Package, is part of the Oscillators, , and with support for Programmable Oscillators Prgrmble VCXO 8 pin 7mm x 5mm (NCNR).