The CSR0204BTCV5100 parts manufactured by VIKING are available for purchase at 9icnet Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The CSR0204BTCV5100 components of 9icnet Electronics are carefully chosen, undergo stringent quality control, and are successfully meet all required standards.
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The CSQ-706BP is BUZZER MAGNETIC 1.5V 12MM RADIAL, that includes CSQ Series, they are designed to operate with a Transducers Product, Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Electromagnetic, that offers Packaging features such as Tray, Current Rating is designed to work in 20 MA, as well as the Solder Pin Termination Style, the device can also be used as 1.5 V Voltage Rating. In addition, the Mounting is Board Mount, it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 20 C to + 60 C, the device has a 5.5 mm of Height, and Frequency is 2.048kHz, and the Impedance is 500 Ohms, and Termination is PC Pins, and the Driver Circuitry is Transducer, Externally Driven, and Technology is Magnetic, and the Input Type is zero-peak Signal, and Voltage Rated is 1.5Vo-p, and the Voltage Range is 1 ~ 2V, and Operating Mode is Continuous, and the Sound Pressure Level is 70dB @ 1.5V, 10cm, and Current Supply is 20mA, it has an Operating Temperature range of -20°C ~ 60°C, and Washable is No, and the Port Location is Top, and Mounting Type is Through Hole, and the Size Dimension is 12.0mm Dia x 6.0mm H, and Shape is Round, and the Diameter is 12 mm, and Dimensions is 5.5 mm H, and the Height in is 0.217 in, and Height mm is 5.5 mm.
CSQ-RP-E with user guide, that includes No Washable, they are designed to operate with a 1.5 V Voltage Rating, Voltage Rated is shown on datasheet note for use in a 1.5Vo-p, that offers Voltage Range features such as 1 ~ 2V, Type is designed to work in Electromagnetic, as well as the Solder Pin Termination Style, the device can also be used as PC Pins Termination. In addition, the Technology is Magnetic, the device is offered in 85dB @ 1.5V, 10cm Sound Pressure Level, the device has a 12.0mm Dia x 6.5mm H of Size Dimension, and Shape is Round, and the Series is CSQ, and Product is Transducers, and the Port Location is Side, and Packaging is Tray, it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 20 C to + 60 C, it has an Operating Temperature range of -20°C ~ 60°C, and the Operating Mode is Continuous, and Mounting Type is Through Hole, and the Mounting is Board Mount, and Input Type is zero-peak Signal, and the Impedance is 5 Ohms, and Height mm is 6 mm, and the Height in is 0.236 in, and Height is 6 mm, and the Frequency is 2.73kHz, and Driver Circuitry is Transducer, Externally Driven, and the Dimensions is 6 mm H, and Diameter is 12 mm, and the Current Supply is 80mA, and Current Rating is 80 mA.
The CSQG703BP is BUZZER MAGNETIC 3V 12MM RADIAL, that includes 90 mA Current Rating, they are designed to operate with a 90mA Current Supply, Diameter is shown on datasheet note for use in a 12 mm, that offers Dimensions features such as 3.8 mm H, Driver Circuitry is designed to work in Transducer, Externally Driven, as well as the 2kHz Frequency, the device can also be used as 3.8 mm Height. In addition, the Height in is 0.15 in, the device is offered in 3.8 mm Height mm, the device has a 15 Ohms of Impedance, and Input Type is zero-peak Signal, and the Mounting is Board Mount, and Mounting Type is Through Hole, and the Operating Mode is Continuous, it has an Operating Temperature range of -30°C ~ 70°C, it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 30 C to + 70 C, and Packaging is Bulk, and the Port Location is Top, and Product is Transducers, and the Series is CSQ, and Shape is Round, and the Size Dimension is 12.0mm Dia x 4.3mm H, and Sound Pressure Level is 85dB @ 3V, 5cm, and the Technology is Magnetic, and Termination is PC Pins, and the Termination Style is Solder Pin, and Type is Electromagnetic, and the Voltage Range is 2 ~ 4V, and Voltage Rated is 3Vo-p, and the Voltage Rating is 3 V, and Washable is No.
CSQ-706BS with EDA / CAD Models, that includes zero-peak Signal Input Type, they are designed to operate with a Yes Washable, Driver Circuitry is shown on datasheet note for use in a Transducer, Externally Driven, that offers Port Location features such as Top, Termination is designed to work in Spring Terminals, as well as the Magnetic Technology, the device can also be used as Custom Mounting Type. In addition, the Series is CSQ, the device is offered in Continuous Operating Mode, the device has a Bulk of Packaging, and Current Supply is 90mA, and the Sound Pressure Level is 90dB @ 3V, 5cm, and Voltage Rated is 3Vo-p, and the Frequency is 2kHz, it has an Operating Temperature range of -20°C ~ 60°C, and the Size Dimension is 12.0mm Dia x 4.3mm H, and Voltage Range is 1 ~ 3V.