- 品牌: 艾迈斯欧司朗 (ams)
- 交期:5-7 工作日
- 自营
- 得捷
- 贸泽
起订量: 18
数量 | 单价 | 合计 |
18+ | 15237.25087 | 274270.51575 |
- 库存: 0
- 单价: ¥15,237.25088
- +
- 总计: ¥274,270.52
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- 制造厂商 艾迈斯欧司朗 (ams)
CMV12000-2E5C1PA 产品详情
CMOSIS CMV12000 Image Sensors are global shutter CMOS image sensors with 4096 by 3072 pixels in an Advanced Photo System Type C (APS-C) format. The format supports super HG imaging (4k). The image array consists of 5.5�m by 5.5�m pipelined global shutter pixels. These pixels allow exposure during read out while performing CDS operation, significantly reducing fixed pattern and dark noise. CMV12000 has 64 digital low voltage differential signaling (LVDS) serial outputs running at 600Mbps. This feature results in 300fps frame rate at full-resolution in 10-bit mode. Higher frame rates can be achieved in row-windowing mode or row-subsampling mode. The image sensor also integrates a programmable gain amplifier and offset regulation. All operation modes are all programmable using a SPI interface. A programmable onboard sequencer generates all internal exposure and read out timings. External triggering and exposure programming are also possible. Extended optical dynamic range can be achieved by multiple integrated high dynamic range modes. A 12-bit per pixel mode is available at reduced frame rates.
CMV12000-2E5C1PA所属分类:图像传感器,CMV12000-2E5C1PA 由 艾迈斯欧司朗 (ams) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。CMV12000-2E5C1PA价格参考¥15237.250875,你可以下载 CMV12000-2E5C1PA中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询CMV12000-2E5C1PA规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
艾迈斯欧司朗 (ams)

ams欧司朗集团是全球领先的光学解决方案提供商,其母公司包括上市公司ams AG和欧司朗Licht AG。我们在全球拥有约27000名员工,专注于传感、照明和可视化方面的创新,使旅途更加安全,医疗诊断更...