- 描述:HVC-P2 50 PC PACK
- 品牌: 欧姆龙 (Omron)
- 交期:5-7 工作日
- 自营
- 得捷
- 贸泽
起订量: 1
- 库存: 0
- 单价: ¥1,880.38522
- +
- 总计: ¥1,880.39
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- 制造厂商 欧姆龙 (Omron)
B5T-007001-020-H 产品详情
Omron B5T HVC-P2 Multi-Function Sensor Modules provide a maximum recognition speed that is 10 times faster than previous Human Vision Components (HVC) system sensors. HVC-P2 sensor modules feature OKAO� Vision technology for recognizing human face expression, gender, age, gaze, and blink into a camera module. HVC-P2 sensors can detect a human body four times per second, reliably keeping track of a person within a detection area without fail. Omron B5T HVC-P2 offers long-distance and wide-angle detection type camera heads. Equipment embedded with the HVC-P2 can detect and presume attributes and conditions of a user in its vicinity without the user being aware of the camera. This detection ability allows the equipment to offer services based on that user's attributes.
B5T-007001-020-H所属分类:图像传感器,B5T-007001-020-H 由 欧姆龙 (Omron) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。B5T-007001-020-H价格参考¥1880.385220,你可以下载 B5T-007001-020-H中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询B5T-007001-020-H规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
欧姆龙 (Omron)
