The A3213 and A3214 integrated circuits are ultra-sensitive,
pole in de pen dent Hall-effect switches with a latched digital
output. They are es pe cial ly suited for operation in batteryoperated,
hand-held equip ment such as cell and cordless
tele phones and palmtop com put ers.
- Automotive grade AEC-Q100 qualified
- Supply voltage range from 2.4V to 5.5V
- Superior temperature stability and extremely low switchpoint drift
- Operating power of 825µW at 2.75V and supply current (IDD(AVG)) of 309µA
- Insensitive to physical stress
- High ESD protection
- Small size, solid state reliability
- Chopping frequency (fc) of 340KHz and duty cycle of 25%
- Easy assembly into applications due to magnetic pole independence
- Operating ambient temperature range from -40°C to 85°C