- 描述:传感器型号: 加速度计,陀螺仪,6轴 输出类别: RS-422接口 工作温度: -54摄氏度~85摄氏度 安装类别: 机箱安装
- 品牌: 霍尼韦尔航天 (Honeywell)
- 交期:5-7 工作日
- 自营
- 得捷
- 贸泽
起订量: 1
- 库存: 0
- 单价: ¥2,230.67331
- +
- 总计: ¥2,230.67
温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。
- 部件状态 可供货
- 包装/外壳 模块
- 供应商设备包装 -
- 安装类别 机箱安装
- 传感器型号 加速度计,陀螺仪,6轴
- 制造厂商 霍尼韦尔航天 (Honeywell)
- 输出类别 RS-422接口
- 工作温度 -54摄氏度~85摄氏度
HG4930AN01 产品详情
The HG4930 is a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) based inertial measurement unit (IMU) designed by Honeywell to meet the needs of a range of applications across various markets, including agriculture, AUVs, industrial equipment, robotics, survey/mapping, stabilized platforms, transportation, UAVs, and UGVs. With industry-standard communication interfaces and a wide input-voltage range, the HG4930 is easily integrated into the variety of architectures that these applications present. The extremely small size, light weight, and low power make the HG4930 ideal for most applications.
HG4930AN01所属分类:惯性测量单元,HG4930AN01 由 霍尼韦尔航天 (Honeywell) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。HG4930AN01价格参考¥2230.673311,你可以下载 HG4930AN01中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询HG4930AN01规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
霍尼韦尔航天 (Honeywell)
![霍尼韦尔航天 (Honeywell)](https://uploads.9icnet.com/images/brand/logo/web-honeywell.png)