The V18MLE0805LT parts manufactured by LITTELFUSE are available for purchase at 9icnet Electronics. Here you can find various types and values of electronic parts from the world's leading manufacturers. The V18MLE0805LT components of 9icnet Electronics are carefully chosen, undergo stringent quality control, and are successfully meet all required standards.
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The V18MLE0805H is VARISTOR 22V 0805, that includes MLE Series, they are designed to operate with a MLV Product, Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Varistor, that offers Packaging features such as Digi-ReelR Alternate Packaging, Termination Style is designed to work in SMD/SMT, as well as the SMD/SMT Mounting, it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 55 C to + 125 C. In addition, the Height is 1.1 mm, the device is offered in 2.01 mm Length, the device has a 1.25 mm of Width, and Package Case is 0805 (2012 Metric), and the Capacitance is 100 pF, and Mounting Type is Surface Mount, MLCV, and the Number of Circuits is 1, and Varistor Voltage Min is 22V, and the Varistor Voltage Typ is 25V, and Varistor Voltage Max is 28V, and the Maximum DC Volts is 18VDC, and Voltage Rating DC is 18 VDC, and the Clamping Voltage is 50 V, and Peak Surge Current is 150 A, and the Case Code in is 0805, and Case Code mm is 2012.
The V18MLE0805LH is VARISTOR 22V 0805, that includes 1.25 mm Width, they are designed to operate with a 18 VDC Voltage Rating DC, Varistor Voltage Typ is shown on datasheet note for use in a 25V, that offers Varistor Voltage Min features such as 22V, Varistor Voltage Max is designed to work in 28V, as well as the Varistor Type, the device can also be used as SMD/SMT Termination Style. In addition, the Series is MLE, the device is offered in MLV Product, the device has a Digi-ReelR Alternate Packaging of Packaging, and Package Case is 0805 (2012 Metric), it has an Operating Temperature Range range of - 55 C to + 125 C, and Number of Circuits is 1, and the Mounting Type is Surface Mount, MLCV, and Mounting is SMD/SMT, and the Maximum DC Volts is 18VDC, and Length is 2.01 mm, and the Height is 1.1 mm, and Clamping Voltage is 50 V, and the Case Code mm is 2012, and Case Code in is 0805, and the Capacitance is 100 pF.
The V18MLE0805LA is VARISTOR 22V 0805, that includes 18VDC Maximum DC Volts, they are designed to operate with a Surface Mount, MLCV Mounting Type, Number of Circuits is shown on datasheet note for use in a 1, that offers Package Case features such as 0805 (2012 Metric), Packaging is designed to work in Bulk Alternate Packaging, as well as the MLE Series, the device can also be used as 28V Varistor Voltage Max. In addition, the Varistor Voltage Min is 22V, the device is offered in 25V Varistor Voltage Typ.