The AD7741/AD7742 are a new generation of synchronous voltage-to-frequency converters (VFCs). The AD7741YR-REEL is a single-channel version in an 8-lead package (SOIC/DIP) and the AD7742 is a multichannel version in a 16-lead package (SOIC/DIP). No user trimming is required to achieve the specified performance.
The AD7741YR-REEL has a single buffered input whereas the AD7742 has four buffered inputs that may be configured as two fully-differential inputs or three pseudo-differential inputs. Both parts include an on-chip +2.5 V bandgap reference that provides the user with the option of using this internal reference or an external reference.
The AD7741YR-REEL has a single-ended voltage input range from 0 V to REFIN. The AD7742 has a differential voltage input range from –VREF to +VREF. Both parts operate from a single +5 V supply consuming typically 6 mA, and also contain a power down feature that reduces the current consumption to less than 35 μA.
- AD7741: One Single-Ended Input Channel
- AD7742: Two Differential or Three Pseudo-Differential Input Channels
- Integral Nonlinearity of 0.012% at fOUT(Max) = 2.75 MHz (AD7742) and at fOUT(Max) = 1.35 MHz (AD7741)
- Single +5 V Supply Operation
- Buffered Inputs
- Programmable Gain Analog Front-End
- On-Chip +2.5 V Reference
- Internal/External Reference Option
- Power Down to 35 µA Max
- Minimal External Components Required
- 8-Lead and 16-Lead DIP and SOIC Packages
- Low Cost Analog-to-Digital Conversion
- Signal Isolation
- AD7742 is obsolete
(Picture: Pinout)