The PL610-32D6C is a high performance general purpose clock that uses a single die to cover outputs up to 60MHz, eliminating the need for multiple ICs to cover a wide frequency range. Designed to fit in a small 2.0mm x 1.6mm, or larger substrates, the PL610-32D6C offers the best phase noise and jitter performance, smallest die size, and lowest power consumption of any comparable IC.The optional ‘frequency fine tuning’ feature of PL610-32D6C allows for frequency adjustment after encapsulation of the module, up to ±50ppm. In addition, there is a ‘6’ bit optional programmable Odd/Even divider (default= ÷1), and ‘3’ programmable output drive strengths (4mA, 8mA (default), 16mA) to choose from. The full feature set of PL610-32D6C makes it the most versatile XO for any application.