1. Provides battery backup power for serial realtime lock, non-volatile TIMEKEEPER and supervisor devices in the 28- or 44-pin SNAPHAT SOIC package
2. Removable battery avoids heat associated with surface-mount process
3. Snaps directly onto surface-mounted SNAPHAT SOIC
4. Choice of battery capacities
– M4T28-BR12SH = 48 mAh
– M4T32-BR12SH6 = 120 mAh
5. Keyed insertion to ensure proper assembly
6. Removable for replacement and proper disposal
Other data sheets within the file : M4T28-BR12SH1, M4T28BR12SH1, M4T28BR12SH6, M4T32-BR12SH1
- Providesbatterybackuppowerforserialreal-timeclock,non-volatileTIMEKEEPERandsupervisordevicesinthe28-or44-pinSNAPHATSOICpackage
- Removablebatteryavoidsheatassociatedwithsurface-mountprocess
- Snapsdirectlyontosurface-mountedSNAPHATSOIC
- Choiceofbatterycapacities
- M4T28-BR12SH=48mAh
- M4T32-BR12SH=120mAh
- Keyedinsertiontoensureproperassembly
- Removableforreplacementandproperdisposal
- Pb-freepackage
- AvailableinEcopackpackages,tubes