The LD2981CM33TR is a 100 mA fixed-output voltage regulator. The low-drop voltage and the ultra low quiescent current make them suitable for low noise, low power applications and in battery powered systems.
The quiescent current in sleep mode is less than 1 μA when INHIBIT pin is pulled low. Shutdown logic control function is available on pin n° 3 (TTL compatible). This means that when the device is used as local regulator, it is possible to put a part of the board in standby, decreasing the total power consumption. The LD2981CM33TR is designed to work with low ESR ceramic capacitor. Typical applications are in cellular phone, palmtop/laptop computer, personal digital assistant (PDA), personal stereo, camcorder and camera.
- Ultralowdropoutvoltage(0.17Vtyp.at100mAload,7mVtyp.at1mAload)
- Verylowquiescentcurrent(80μAtyp.atnoloadinonmode;max1μAinoffmode)
- Guaranteedoutputcurrentupto100mA
- Logic-controlledelectronicshutdown
- Outputvoltageof2.5;3.0;3.3;5.0V
- Internalcurrentandthermallimit