L4979D and L4979MD013TR are low dropout linear regulators with microprocessor control functions such as low voltage reset, watchdog, on/off control. Typical quiescent current is 100 μA in very low output current mode and enabled regulator. The devices drop to 6 μA with not enabled regulators.
On chip trimming results in high output voltage accuracy (+/-2%). Accuracy is kept over wide temperature range, line and load variation.
The maximum input voltage is 40 V. The max output current is internally limited. Internal temperature protection disables the voltage regulator output.
- AEC-Q100 qualified
- Operating DC supply voltage range 5.6 V to 31 V
- Low quiescent current (6 μA typ. @ 25 °C with enable low)
- High precision output voltage (+/-2%)
- Low dropout voltage less than 0.5 V
- Reset circuit sensing the output voltage down to 1 V