The IFX27001 is a monolithic integrated NPN type voltage regulator that can supply loads up to 1.0 A. The chip is housed in a surface mount PG-TO252-3 package (DPAK). It is designed to supply microprocessor systems or other loads under the severe conditions and therefore it is equipped with additional protection against overload, short circuit and overtemperature. An large input voltage V I in the range of (V Q + V DR ) < V I < 40 V is regulated to V Q . The dropout voltage V DR ranges from 1.1 V to 1.4 V depending on the load current level. The device operates in the temperature range of T j = -40 to 125 °C..
- Adjustable Output Voltage
- DPAK/TO252-3 Package
- 1.0 A output current
- Low Dropout Voltage, 1 V (typ.)
- Short circuit protection
- Overtemperature protection
- Input Votlage up to 40 V
- Wide temperature range of T j = -40 to 125 °C
- Green Product (RoHS compliant)
- High Input Voltage (>30V)
- High Output Current (>400mA)
- Wide Temperature Range
- Industrial Automation
- Medical & Healthcare
- Telecom
- Building Automation
- White Goods
- Heating & Cooling Systems (HVAC)